Work Experience

Since September 2023, I’ve been Chief Technical Officer at Anytime where I lead a team of 15 people. Anytime is a french fintech company providing account, card and payment services for SMEs, non-profits and individuals.

I worked at Lengow between December 2015 and July 2023. I was Chief Technical Officer for the last 2 years. I led a team of nearly 60 people mostly based in Nantes and Barcelona. I had the opportunity to participate in the sale of Lengow to Marlin Equity Partners and the acquisition of NetRivals – a price monitoring SaaS platform.

Before taking the CTO position, I was successively R&D developper and Head of Engineering. Lengow offers an innovative solution which allows online retailers to optimise their visibility and profitability on all online distribution channels.


From September 2014 to December 2015, I worked as a Research Engineer in the DRIM team of the Laboratoire d’InfoRmatique en Image et Systèmes d’information (LIRIS, UMR 5205) and INSA Lyon under the supervision of Dr Nadia Bennani and Prof. Lionel Brunie. During my stay at INSA, I started to work on the EEXCESS project; a european project (FP7) aiming at promoting cultural, educational and scientific content.

My mission in EEXCESS was twofold: First I was in charge of designing and  developing a privacy-preserving protocol proposed in the research group. Second I was in charge of coordinating the work done at INSA with the other partners of the project. It included weekly meetings and quarterly plenary meetings.

Besides my involvement in the EEXCESS project, I kept on collaborating with researchers from Brazil, Germany and Ireland.


From February 2013 to August 2014, I was Research Engineering Manager in the Performance Engineering Lab (PEL) at University College Dublin, under the supervision of Prof. John Murphy and Prof. Liam Murphy. My main mission was to mentor PhD students and to manage a team developing on a research prototype. I was also in charge of leading a research project called Robust Testing Environment with Lero (The Irish Software Engineering Research Centre). My role was to regularly present the progress made by the participants of the project.

The PhD students I got the opportunity to work with lead me to new research areas. More precisely, I started to work on relational databases and data anonymity. This experience pushed me to learn how to quickly acquire knowledge on new specialised topics. I believe I can now quickly grasp new concepts, understand what problems needs to be solve and pinpoint potential solutions to solve them.

Apart from the management duties, I kept on doing my own research on various data management topics. In particular, I started to collaborate with Dr. Eduardo Cunha de Almeida (Brazil) and Prof. Stefanie Scherzinger (Germany) on topics related to NoSQL databases.


From September 2012 to January 2013, I was a Teaching and Research Assistant (ATER) within the computer science department of the university of Nantes and the LINA lab. My mission was basically to keep on pursuing my research and giving classes and labs. I mainly taught Databases, Business Intelligence and various programming languages. All together, I gave 350 hours of classes.


From September 2009 to November 2012, I was PhD Student at Laboratoire d’Informatique de Nantes Atlantique (LINA), and Teaching Assistant at the university of Nantes.

My research was about semantic information retrieval in heterogeneous peer-to-peer systems and I was supervised by Dr Sylvie Cazalens and Prof. Philippe Lamarre (my research is described in greater details here). In this context, I also had the opportunity to co-supervise a team of 3 students working on semantic disambiguation.

Apart from my research, I gave classes in Algorithmic, Database, and Object-Oriented Programming. Teaching was a great experience, as it helped me improve my communication skills.


From April 2009 to September 2009, I was an Intern at INRIA, Atlas-GDD group. I worked on semantic information retrieval in peer-to-peer systems, and I was supervised by Dr Sylvie Cazalens and Dr Patrick Valduriez. This was my first experience in the research environment. I discovered that academic research is both exciting and difficult, as there are always more problems to be solved than problems already addressed.


From June 2007 to April 2009, I worked as a Freelance Developer. I also offered SEO services. My customers included BioNovi, JOC, Kik Box and Les Petites BéBettes. This experience as a free-lancer has been a great opportunity to learn new technologies and to learn the importance of business decision in the IT ecosystem.


In June 2006, I worked as an Intern at Synodiance. My role has been to design and develop a Web application. I also took part in SEO campaigns.